1.   Many books have been written about this topic alone and cheese is indeed as international as food itself.

2.   Many books recommend carrying your passport with you at all times.

3.   The only problem that I can see is that fact that many books cannot be taken home and that many sources cannot be photocopied.

4.   Author Joseph Bruchac is an Abenaki storyteller who has written many books.

5.   A bare five months later, the first of what will be many books on the subject has appeared.

6.   A political conservative, he advised, taught and wrote many books about nuclear strategy and defense, and international conflict in general.

7.   But Lorraine Shanley, a principal in the book industry consulting company Market Partners, noted that many books were given away or never read.

8.   By that time, he had established a formidable reputation as a legal scholar and the author and editor of many books.

9.   Eager to learn, she attended meetings and lectures, read many books and consulted with established growers.

10.   For example, publishers have several ways to indicate a first printing and, for many books, first editions have almost the same value as reprints.

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