1.   By the turn of the century virtually every State had a law prohibiting or restricting abortion on its books.

2.   Its books are noted for the quality of their paper and bindings.

3.   Kasonde said that as long as the economy was dependent upon copper sales, the country would continue to devalue the currency to keep its books in order.

4.   Its books were selected by Professor Laski, John Strachey and Victor Gollancz, the publisher.

5.   In assessing the effect of the Left Book Club on the Left it is important to consider the amount of Communist influence in the Club and in its books.

6.   But the council had to balance its books, he said.

7.   Already the government is making progress balancing its books.

8.   Almost all of its books were offered at some discount.

9.   Almost immediately, he loaned a Boeing executive to help the orchestra balance its books.

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