11.   His new book illustrates the wide variety of the Oxfordshire countryside through picture portraits of the smallest details.

12.   And he tried raising money for himself by signing copies of his new book.

13.   And the kind of behavior he anticipates can be inferred from a recent Time magazine featuring his new book.

14.   A consultant to professional service firms, David Maister argues in his new book that there are few new ideas in business.

15.   A week after the publication of his new book, MCA, the media giant, announced that it had given Koolhaas his first American commission.

16.   Buchanan, in his new book, says America should have avoided war with Nazi Germany.

17.   But as his new book reveals, Wunderman provided more than just advertising concepts to his clients.

18.   But Dennis Rodman is busy promoting his new book.

19.   But he has not stopped thinking about matters monetary, and his new book is full of much meaty stuff.

20.   But in his new book, the legendary Jack Buck rates Coleman one of the top three football announcers he has ever heard.

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