1.   The new Corpus Iuris Civilis, or Body of the Civil Law, as it came to be called by later commentators, consisted of four books.

2.   Ashcroft was a sought-after public speaker and wrote four books and numerous magazine articles.

3.   At the same time, it was hardly a surprising invitation, given that she has written four books about her homeland, two of them best sellers.

4.   A library with four books is open for two minutes a day.

5.   Conover is a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and the author of four books, an anthropologist by training who specializes in immersion journalism.

6.   Four books came out of Saddle River, all on foreign policy and all best sellers.

7.   Four books have been published in the past six months about the worst race riot in history.

8.   Harwell never became a full-time newspaperman, but he has written four books and does a weekly column for the Detroit Free-Press.

9.   He writes four books a month plus an array of special projects.

10.   He wrote four books and scores of articles, reviews and book chapters.

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