1.   As well as working for National Review, Rickenbacker was also a contributing editor to Modern Age magazine and the author of eight books.

2.   As well as working for National Review, Rickenbacker was also a contributing editor to Modern Age and author of eight books.

3.   A literary countdown also works well for marking the eight days of Hanukkah with eight books.

4.   Since self-publishing his first two collections of poetry, Komunyakaa has published eight books and two anthologies.

5.   Dertouzos wrote eight books.

6.   He authored eight books and held three patents in tomography and imaging technology.

7.   Her female sleuth V.I. Warshawski has graced the pages of eight books and landed her own movie.

8.   Then the professor who was drawn to the study of death, who struggled with mortality and meaning in eight books, simply vanished.

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