41.   Parliament has not yet begun to combat the deepening economic crisis, and public patience is wearing thin.

42.   The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects.

43.   ...years of debilitating economic crisis.

44.   The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.

45.   Thousands of workers have been dislocated by the latest economic crisis.

46.   The following day the government introduced emergency measures to tackle the economic crisis.

47.   Austerity measures introduced to combat the continuing economic crisis included cutbacks in the financial privileges enjoyed by government ministers and civil servants.

48.   The new government took charge of a country in deep economic crisis.

49.   Opposition groups dismissed the constitutional changes as a device to gain Western aid and approval at a time of economic crisis.

50.   Already in deep economic crisis, Bulgaria had become paralysed politically and economically.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
economic + n. >>共 585
growth 11.08%
crisis 4.39%
reform 4.16%
sanction 2.88%
development 2.81%
recovery 2.63%
slowdown 2.47%
policy 2.43%
problem 1.99%
cooperation 1.79%
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