1.   And the teacher considers it busy for them to study and gives them some time to play.

2.   On the other hand, someone likes to exchang his work frequently, because he always considers wether the work is fit for him, he haven't well identified attitude to his forturn , he is sensetive to the circumustent around him.

3.   However, not every one considers such tax system a reasonable one.

4.   People considers Chinese diet is the healthiest of all.

5.   The number of people considers that writing skills are more essential than speaking skills.

6.   He considers it might be too early, since it's just six thirty; as a man at the service for the public, he has to wake up so early.

7.   Somebody considers that we should limit the development of tourism, but others don't agree with.

8.   It considers the nature of one's work and the needs of one's living in the society.

9.   Although Gardner considers that the five minds are not the only qualities of us, he makes a good claim for the importance of five minds he has picked out.

10.   Person considers private cars as a symbolize of wealth, many girls even take it as a wedding.

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