1.   He makes it very clear that he considers the fighting of the Middle Ages, though frequent and bloody, to be a confused, mobbing sort of affair, and politically and technically unsatisfactory.

2.   I fancy that a policeman considers that every man in the street would be properly "run in, " if only all the truth about the man had been known.

3.   A tiny minority of some twenty-seven ministers clings to what it considers to be the Knoxian ideal, and is rewarded by all the wealth bestowed on the Free Kirk by pious benefactors during sixty years.

4.   Professor Willis, however, considers there is little significance in the difference in the phrases used.

5.   The Rev. Francis Havergal considers this to be the monument of Peter, Baron de Grandisson, who died 1358.

6.   It seems to differ from Pteropus only, as far as I can see, in having a small distinct tail, though the above-quoted author considers it closely allied to the next genus.

7.   Hodgson considers this bat as allied to the two following species.

8.   Horsfield's genus Lasiurus is included in this one, though Jerdon considers it distinct from Murina .

9.   Dr. Anderson considers this as identical with E. collaris .

10.   Dr. Anderson considers this as identical with the Kashmir H. thysanurus , which has also been found by Mr. Ball in Singbhoom.

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