61.   Last June, following a series with the Iraqis, the council agreed unanimously to consider additional sanctions if the next inspection report was unfavorable to Iraq.

62.   Last week, as the Security Council considered further sanctions, Russia and Egypt pointed out that Libya was taking steps to resolve the dispute.

63.   McCurry did not say if Washington was considering sanctions that would keep sophisticated technology out of Indian hands.

64.   Meeting in Palermo, Italy, they said they would consider sanctions unless Iran as well as Libya and Syria denounce terrorist attacks.

65.   On Thursday, the U.N. Security Council met to discuss the diamonds-for-weapons allegations and consider sanctions against countries accused of involvement.

66.   On Saturday, Agnelli said the EU would consider sanctions against countries refusing to discourage terrorism.

67.   President Clinton has appealed for clemency for imprisoned Nigerian activists, and is considering further sanctions.

68.   Russia announced it was considering economic sanctions against Latvia, including shutting off the oil that it sends to Latvia for loading onto tankers.

69.   Some U.S. officials, recently suggested that Washington might consider sanctions against the junta in Rangoon, a move that has some support in the U.S. Congress.

70.   The agenda proposes that sanctions be considered against companies involved in the manufacture or sale of land mines.

v. + sanction >>共 408
impose 20.74%
lift 19.12%
ease 3.81%
face 3.39%
threaten 3.22%
maintain 2.17%
suspend 2.14%
end 1.85%
violate 1.52%
consider 1.50%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
sanction 0.79%
每页显示:    共 117