61.   Consider the observable A=¡Æj P j¦Ëjwhere ¦Ë j ??

62.   We consider an unconstrained minimization reformulation of the generalized complementarity problem (GCP).

63.   We consider the elliptic operator P(D)+V in ??

64.   In this paper, we consider the behavior of solutions of quasilinear index-2 tractable differential algebraic equations.

65.   We consider an evolution family whose generator is formed by a time-dependent bounded perturbation of a strongly continuous semigroup.

66.   We consider a nonlinear damped hyperbolic equation in , depending on a positive parameter .

67.   We recommend that nephrologists consider the possibility of pancreatic involvement in this disease.

68.   Our purpose here is to consider a more general class of continuous linear functionals onS and to investigate the geometric properties of their associated extremal functions.

69.   We consider a set-up where two governments have either conflicting or matching preferences on the provision of differentiated (local) goods supplied by a common monopoly bureau.

70.   The authors consider the dependence of hydrogen plasma radiation on the nonideality parameter near the thresholds of spectral series.

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