31.   Both books include detailed chapters on the British Afghan expeditions.

32.   Both books remain in print.

33.   Both books show not only the relationship between author and editor but also the deep and abiding pleasure to be found in the written word.

34.   Both books suggest that old-fashioned demagogy has surfaced in new forms in American politics and broadcasting.

35.   Both books tell the stories of World War II bomber pilots.

36.   Both books were co-created with author Thomas Hauser.

37.   Both books were lost.

38.   Both books were written with David G. Berger, a sociology professor at Temple University who spent years helping him catalog his photographs.

39.   Both books appear prominently on the service reading lists.

40.   Both books are available at the Whitethorn and the Burren Interpretive Center at Kilfenora.

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