1.   The vast majority of books on the subject are complete rubbish.

2.   A spate of books on the subject have come out recently.

3.   He also wrote for scholarly journals and contributed to books on the subject.

4.   Much of their book is devoted to chronicling the evils of sprawl, a somewhat redundant enterprise given the spate of books on the subject.

5.   On his desk at home is a stack of books on the subject.

6.   Online booksellers like dogwise.com and Amazon.com list dozens of books on the subject.

7.   She became fascinated with perfumery, took classes and began collecting books on the subject.

8.   Store shelves are stocked with books on the subject.

9.   The director of the foundation, Barbara Kubik, said a flood of books on the subject was on the way.

10.   With a spate of popular new movies and books on the subject, World War II is having a nostalgic revival.

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