1.   Believing everythings gimme be good with her


3.   Both thursday and friday are good with me, so long as it doesn't run into the evenings

4.   but they're so good with fans, i admire that.

5.   but yea are you good with eatins soup with chopsticks??

6.   But, but, Dr House is really good with kids!

7.   chillen, what's good with u?

8.   chillin fam bout to hop on this xbox, what's good with you

9.   chillin what's good with you

10.   Chillin, what's good with u

v. + good + with >>共 8
be 82.60%
look 10.44%
go 3.25%
taste 1.39%
feel 0.70%
sound 0.70%
get 0.46%
think 0.46 %
be + good + p. >>共 50
for 36.55%
at 23.57%
with 10.98%
to 7.59%
in 6.08%
on 3.30%
as 2.10%
about 1.60%
@ 1.42%
but 1.42%
每页显示:    共 356