1.   Such procedures assume that vaccination is good for residents either as individuals or as a group.

2.   Lysimeters are good for comparisons but are difficult for drier areas and sloping land.

3.   From a discussion of Kohler's rule written in terms of the exact relaxation time¦Ó k * it follows that this approximation is very good for low values ofH/¦Ñ, with¦Ñ being the resistivity forH=0.

4.   The method is especially good for determining traces.

5.   Reproducibility was good for all methods.

6.   One of these equations containing four parameters is exceptionally good for fitting the data.

7.   In the context of this model, recessions might be good for growth since they weaken the incumbent firm's position and, thereby, stimulate research by outside firms.

8.   This method is good for the reasonable management and biological control of the forests.

9.   It was proposed thatV w is increased by solvation when the solvent is good for the diffusant.

10.   The overall fit between data sets was good for the specialist type II species N. fallacis.

v. + good + for >>共 5
be 96.28%
hold 2.23%
prove 0.74%
find 0.37%
keep 0.37%
be + good + p. >>共 50
for 31.90%
in 25.37%
with 6.65%
to 6.65%
at 6.40%
after 2.59%
between 1.97%
as 1.72%
except_for 1.72%
over 1.48%
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