1.   As a four-time Super Bowl doormat to the NFC, the Bills were always good for fans who need a team to hate.

2.   Dace was certainly good for him.

3.   Detectors with temporary cutoff switches are good for kitchens where occasional smoke is expected.

4.   Despite the high costs, insurance executives argue that because of the death benefit, variable annuities are good for people who are scared of investing in stocks.

5.   Despite all the pessimism, the Fed does seem bent on turning around the economy, which is good for stocks in the long run.

6.   Despite his attacks on Gore, Nader argued that his candidacy would be good for Democratic congressional candidates because he would draw Democratic-leaning voters to the polls.

7.   Diaz says she's not looking to become the next Laura Baugh or Jan Stephenson, which is good for her.

8.   DiBruno said the artificial sweetener was used because it reduces the caloric content and would be good for dieters and diabetics.

9.   Did he say "Was it good for you?"

10.   Did my desire to change our old pattern mean that I thought I was too good for the likes of her?

v. + good + for >>共 26
be 93.84%
look 3.53%
feel 1.14%
go 0.32%
make 0.20%
sound 0.18%
consider 0.17%
remain 0.11%
seem 0.11%
prove 0.09%
be + good + p. >>共 46
for 59.82%
at 20.97%
to 5.93%
with 2.48%
in 2.28%
about 2.20%
as 1.24%
on 1.07%
through 0.61%
from 0.58%
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