1.   To this intent I have brought armor and all the appurtenances of knighthood; for he is of such noble lineage that no armor in the world could be too good for him.

2.   This might have been a small matter; for who or what on earth that is good for anything is not assailed by ignorance, stupidity, or malice— and sometimes even by just objection?

3.   Will this be good for your worships eyes?

4.   This he said to Barrington Erle, who angered him and increased the warmth of his feeling by declaring that a little close confinement would be good for the Bunces of the day.

5.   A mystery is good for nothing if it remains always a mystery.

6.   It is said to be good for food when young and tender.

7.   Spruce is a soft wood, splits readily and is good for the frames and ribs of boats, also for paddles and oars, and the bark makes a covering for temporary shelters.

8.   Hemlock This tree is good for thatching a lean-to when balsam-fir is not to be found, and its bark can be used in the way of shingles.

9.   Near-by foliage is not good for figures; it is too confused and the figures will mingle with it.

10.   These canoes are good for general use on the trail.

v. + good + for >>共 10
be 96.27%
hold 1.04%
consider 0.62%
become 0.41%
remain 0.41%
think 0.41%
get 0.21%
look 0.21%
make 0.21%
prove 0.21%
be + good + p. >>共 31
for 43.49%
to 25.21%
as 9.75%
of 8.62%
at 5.81%
in 1.78%
with 0.94%
about 0.56%
after 0.56%
upon 0.37%
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