1.   Art books are expensive to produce, especially if they contain colour illustrations.

2.   The collection of art books is now in the custody of the university.

3.   And as home to the National Art Library, it is a respected research center and publisher of art books.

4.   And Barnesandnoble has a handful of images from art books.

5.   Art books are a mainstay of the Christmas season.

6.   Art books still serve as sources, as do studio models.

7.   Art books overflow from shelves that cover all four walls.

8.   Art books are sometimes the next best thing to owning the actual works of art that are beautifully captured between the covers.

9.   Art books, first editions and hard-cover mysteries are hard to keep on the shelves, she added.

10.   Based in Wickford, R.I., the publisher specialized in art books and literature.

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