1.   A few books have avoided the trap.

2.   As Montag begins to realise how wrong his community is, he starts to steal a few books rather than burn them all.

3.   A few books have been canceled during the typical attrition process, Perry said.

4.   A few books even call it Cheese Fondue.

5.   Adams told people that SHE was Carolyn Keene, and she might have written some or all of a few books.

6.   Buying textbooks over the Internet can be more complicated than ordering a few books from a mainstream Internet bookseller like Amazon.com, he says.

7.   Gingrich also gave Bisek a recording of Christmas songs and one of classical music, a piece of luggage and a few books.

8.   He now packs only the clothes that are in season, a few books and his guitar.

9.   He has dispensed almost entirely with documentation, aside from his use of a few books and other journalistic accounts of the episodes he examines.

10.   If you have a little skill and a few books, you may decide to get by on your own.

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