31.   But there is little evidence that the latest attack punished Saddam in any way that could change his behavior or alter Iraqi politics.

32.   Detectives said they have tracked the four of the seven weapons involved in the latest attack, but they would not identify where they were bought.

33.   For the latest attacks teen-agers were used, indicating a lack of older volunteers for suicide missions.

34.   He has had some prior heart problems, according to a colleague, who added that Scott may undergo heart surgery after this latest attack.

35.   He has served in Chechnya, though he was not there at the time of the latest attack.

36.   In Gaza Monday, before the latest attack was announced, the Palestinian Authority sponsored a pro-peace march and rally at which Arafat spoke.

37.   In his speech Wednesday, Putin urged Russians not to seek retribution against ethnic minorities for the latest attack.

38.   In the latest attack, the Shiite Muslim guerrillas of Hezbollah fired a barrage of rockets at the northern Israeli border town of Kiryat Shemona.

39.   In the latest attack, guerrillas ambushed a bus, killing seven.

40.   In what community leaders called a worrisome sign, the police said that a serial rapist does not appear to be responsible for the latest attacks.

a. + attack >>共 638
terrorist 17.77%
possible 2.65%
recent 2.03%
new 1.86%
palestinian 1.73%
israeli 1.56%
second 1.51%
latest 1.50%
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further 1.37%
latest + n. >>共 1083
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