11.   They are guaranteed excellent service with prompt delivery and latest versions of the software they wish to try.

12.   To run the software, you will need the latest version of Windows.

13.   Upgrade at home if you use the latest version at work.

14.   Volkswagen has fitted bigger engines to compensate for the extra weight of the stronger and safer structure of the latest version.

15.   The latest version has an impressively user-friendly interface.

16.   The company has spent millions marketing the latest version of its software.

17.   Users are, however, urged always to use the latest version of the header when entering modules.

18.   All the versions of the module which have been entered into LIFESPAN should be shown here, with the latest version at the top of the list.

19.   The latest versions of the modules in the package to be approved.

a. + version >>共 826
new 8.89%
final 3.59%
different 3.44%
earlier 2.98%
latest 2.83%
early 1.57%
original 1.40%
first 1.34%
generic 1.26%
updated 1.19%
latest + n. >>共 1083
round 2.77%
development 2.47%
attack 1.66%
report 1.53%
incident 1.51%
version 1.30%
move 1.12%
victim 1.10%
poll 1.09%
violence 1.09%
每页显示:    共 318