41.   Economic crisis leading Russia to disintegration, official says.

42.   He started the group after a personal crisis led him to question his values.

43.   In a climate of growing tensions and fear the crisis could lead to civil war, Samper has called Congress back early for a special session beginning Tuesday.

44.   In addition to rising unemployment and falling real incomes, the financial crisis could lead to a substantial increase in poverty in the most seriously affected economies.

45.   In a letter to Chuan, they said Thailand no longer needed the power because the economic crisis has led to a drop in consumption of electricity.

46.   In Moscow, Russian President Boris Yeltsin said the Kosovo crisis could lead to disaster.

47.   In Moscow, Russian President Boris Yeltsin said the crisis could lead to disaster.

48.   In Moscow, Russian President Boris Yeltsin said Thursday the Kosovo crisis could lead to disaster.

49.   In Southeast Asia, the financial crisis could lead to instability if the economic readjustments prove to be symptoms of weakening government structures, Clarke said.

50.   It was feared the crisis would lead to the disbanding of the legislature.

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